Revive! in the community
Some companies choose daredevil antics or commando style activities for team building, but not Revive!, one of the UK’s largest networks of professional mobile vehicle paintwork repairers.
Alternatively, the head office team based in Rugby decided to do something that would positively effect their local community whilst simultaneously giving them the opportunity to work together in a completely different way. The Revive! team helped local retired man and Age UK volunteer Roy Jackson rejuvenate overgrown allotments in the town.
The project is the brainchild of Age UK Warwickshire. The allotments off Butlin Road in Rugby had been neglected and were under threat of closure. Volunteer Roy headed the campaign to clear out the weeds and get the place back on track to encourage other retired people to take a plot and get growing!
Senior leadership team led by managing director Mark Llewellyn and operations director Terry Mullen spent two days working at the allotments. There Adam Civzelis (marketing), Vlad Ichim (IT), Julie Proudlock (national accounts), Amanda Paul (customer services),Paula Spriggs (business development), Kellyjoe Pollabauer (recruitment) and Rebecca Bunn (accounts) helped maintain his harvest of vegetables and assist in the development of a congregation area dubbed the “crew room”, taking them away from their traditional working environment and out into the fresh Warwickshire air.
Said Terry: “We got so much more out of it than we expected. We may have thought we knew each other’s strengths through working in the business, but when you’re out doing something completely different people’s characters really shine through.
“We really enjoyed it. Whilst we may not grow cucumbers at Revive! we’ve learned a lot from this experience and watched team members thriving under new challenges. Working together as a team on the allotment has brought us much closer together and we’ve made a new friend in Roy.”
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