Leave your repair to the experts!
When it comes to carrying out bodywork repairs on our motor vehicles it is a job best left to the experts.
But as a nation of DIY enthusiasts, it’s no surprise that many of us will attempt to do the job ourselves, sometimes with quite disastrous results!
While bodywork repairs can often appear simpler than other types of car maintenance, they tend to be more complicated in the long run. How many of us have tried pulling out a dent with the sink plunger only to make the problem worse? Or touch up a scratch with the wrong colour T-cut?
Tackling a paint touch-up yourself can lead to more problems because painting over existing car paint with a different type can lead to a reaction and blistering, leaving your bodywork in a worse state than when you started.
Take this novel approach to fixing what appears to be a badly damaged rear bumper and wing:
It looks to be a combination of duct tape and papier-mâché holding this Honda Accord together!
Or what about this home paint job:
We can’t help but wonder if they thought it might just have been a good paint match when they started, and then when they realised it wasn’t, added some go-faster flames for ironic effect!
Or how about this driver who seems to have given up trying to hide the fact his car’s bodywork needs some serious attention and has made a feature of it instead:
According to a survey carried out for the website Money Saving Heroes, almost 40% of have-a-go-at-home car repairers have ended up taking their car to a professional to correct their mistakes. And leaving what may seem a minor scratch alone can be even worse. Besides the look of your car being compromised – a key consideration if you are looking to sell your vehicle – dents and scratches left untreated will eventually lead to further paint damage and rusting.
As well as the dent in the paintwork, ignoring bodywork damage can leave a hefty dent in your bank balance with a re-spray costing on average just over £800.
So next time you get a scuff or scrape contact us, the experts in repairing minor vehicle damage!
Simply, click here to request your quote with your nearest technician.
We work with the highest quality products to ensure a durable finish for your car paint repair and we are the only SMART organisation to run an ongoing accreditation programme for our repair technicians, ensuring professional standards and exceptional customer care every time.
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