ATA achievement for Revive! SMART repairs
Revive!‘s two year drive to create a professional standard for mobile repairers has finally come to fruition with the IMI launch of the Cosmetic repair ATA Achievement in December 2011.
Revive! have been at the forefront of the development with Managing Director Mark Llewellyn part of the steering group that has created the new accreditation model. “ ATA (Automotive Technician Accreditation) is an established brand and a genuine national standard of technical competence. We are proud to have been part of the development and seek to continue to further develop standards in SMART repair in 2012.” As well as Revive! being part of the steering group and pilot for the ATA they also have the first two smart repairers in the country to have achieved the ATA standard. Iain Wallis and Terry Oxley undertook an assessment over two days with external verifiers present. “The assessment was tough” comments Oxley “but we believe it is the only route to ensure consistency and quality of technicians.”
What sets Revive! apart
Revive! key differentiators are twofold:
- Quality of workmanship and service – Revive! have been at the forefront of pioneering a national standard for SMART repairers which has now been brought into reality with the creation of a Cosmetic ATA which was launched by the IMI (Institute of Motor Industry) in December 2011.
- National contracts – because of the quality and national coverage Revive! are able to tender for and win national contracts to support their network. With a focus on consistency of quality and professionalism Revive! stand head and shoulders above any other company able to service customers nationally.
For more information about this nationally recognised standard in Smart Repairs download the attached brochure.
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