Aquaplaning awkwardness – got into an accident in the wet, get in touch with Revive!
It seems the weather has finally taken hold across the UK, with severe flooding affecting many parts of the midlands this week. With the colder wetter months ahead Revive! thought it important to recommend assessing the overall condition of your tyres so you can avoid any aquaplaning awkwardness as you slither into the nearest kerb, bush or parked car. While Revive! are happy to help repair any embarrassing scrapes, scuffs, and scratches, prevention is always better than the cure.
Aquaplaning occurs when the level of water on the road has exceeded the ability of the tread on a vehicles tyre to displace the water leading to a layer of water spreading underneath the tyre and lifting it from the road surface. This can be an especially scary event as it means a total loss of control of the vehicle, often at speed.
To prevent aquaplaning it is always important to ensure your tyres remain within the legal limit for tread depth which is 1.6mm. An easy way to check your tyres is by using the 20p test, as recommended by Tyre Safe UK. To perform the test on your tyres simply place a 20p coin into the main tread grooves of your tyre. If the outer band of the 20p coin is obscured when it is inserted, then your tread is above the legal limit. If the outer band of the coin is visible, then your tyres may be illegal and unsafe and should be checked immediately by a qualified tyre professional.
Statistics compiled by Tyre Safe UK state that 1 in 5 drivers have never checked the condition of their tyres, this frightening statistic also partly explains why 2.2m MOT failures every year are due to tyre defects. With this level of ignorance to tyre safety among the public it’s understandable why vehicles are seen slithering off roads as soon as the first flakes of snow touch down.
In the interests of raising awareness and encouraging road safety, we implore you to act now! Check your vehicles tyres at least once per month and before long journeys.
Not heeding our warnings could mean you will be contacting Revive! sooner than you’d wish. If you have been involved in a minor bump or slid into bush and scratched your paint, make sure you get in touch with our team now to see how easily we could bring your car back to showroom fresh condition.
If you are interested in our repair services, please get in touch with our team now!
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